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About the Exam

Exams consist of multiple-choice questions, with each question having one correct answer.  Each exam is automatically generated from a test bank containing hundreds of exam-level appropriate questions.

Refer to the content overview for topics covered for each certification.

CertificationExam QuestionsTimeContent OverviewFee
Inspector Level I75 Questions100 minutesLevel I Content Outline$400
Inspector Level II Next Step125 Question170 minutesLevel II Content Outline$300
Inspector Level II Direct145 Questions195 minutesLevel I – II Content Outline$600
Inspector Level III118 Questions170 minutesLevel III Content Outline$350
**UPDATE** All Water-based Inspector Certification exams will be updated to NFPA 25 2023 edition by May 1, 2025. Inspectors wanting to test on the 2017 edition of NFPA 25 will need to test PRIOR to May 1, 2025.

Materials Permitted in the Exam

Due to the nature of both the profession and the assessment, ACE’s exams are “open‐book”, allowing the use of various materials for reference. Exam takers will receive a list of allowed materials, including those specific to the State where applicable. Unless otherwise indicated in the confirmation email, only official bound or copies in binders, of the materials listed will be allowed into the exam room.

ACE Level I and Level II Certification exams are based on the NFPA 25 2017 standard. ACE Level III Certification exams are based on NFPA 25 2023. 

**ATTENTION**  All Water-based Inspector Certification exams will be updated to NFPA 25 2023 edition by May 1, 2025. Anyone wanting to test on the 2017 edition must do so prior to May 1st.**

ACE allows the following reference materials to be used in the exam:

  • NFPA 25 Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems (While the edition the test is based on is recommended, any edition of the standard is permissible to be used during the exam. NOTE:  NFPA Handbooks are not permitted, only the standard is allowed.)
  • ACE provided state specific reference material (see links below)

State Specific Reference Materials:

Reference material may contain MINIMAL handwritten notes, highlighted passages and permanent tabs.  If permanent tabs are not used, the tabs will be required to be removed prior to the exam. No post-it notes or loose leaf paper is allowed.  

You will also be allowed to bring in one calculator. You will NOT be allowed to use the calculator function on cell phones, laptops, tablets, or other media-devices. Any electronic device other than the allowed calculator must be powered down and put away during the entirety of the exam.

NFPA Handbooks are NOT permitted to be used during any ACE exam.   Only bound copies of the NFPA standards books will be allowed. Any employer-issued copies of these materials MUST be spiral bound or in a binder. NO LOOSE PHOTOCOPIES. Books may contain minimal handwritten notes. Highlighted passages and permanent tabs are allowed. If you do not have access to bound copies of these codes and standards books, they can be purchased online at  ACE will provide copies of the state specific materials to be used for the exam.  If you would like to bring a copy of the state specific materials to use, they must be the full ACE version linked above, in a three-ring binder and only contain the reference material.  

ALL materials will be checked for appropriateness by the proctor prior to AND following the exam. No notes or comments about the exam, topics, questions, format, scoring, etc., will be allowed to leave the exam room. The exam and details surrounding it are confidential. This will be outlined in our Academy Certification Exams Non-Disclosure Statement, which must be signed before turning in your exam. Without your signature on this agreement, we will not process your certification.

Please review Academy Certification Exam’s complete policies and procedures

  Here is some key information to keep in mind for the day of the exam:

  • You must be checked in and ready to begin by 8:00 am. Please arrive at least 15 -30 minutes early for check in procedures. If you are not checked in and ready by 8:00 am you may be asked to reschedule your exam.
  • You must have a PICTURE ID. 
  • Pencils are required.
  • You are permitted to use a calculator.  
  • No cell phones or any other type of electronic device will be permitted to be used in any way during the exam and must be powered off.
  • Materials with excessive writing or removable paper tabs will not be permitted to be used during the exam.
  • Exam results are typically available within 24 hours.  
  • If you have not completed the required prerequisites prior to the exam date, you may not be permitted to take the exam. Please confirm your account is up to date.